Saturday, January 9, 2010

Babcock & Miles

Babcock & Miles

105 W. 12th Street

Red Lodge, MT 59068


Open daily from 10ish to 6ish

Babcock & Miles is a Red Lodge treasure. It opened in 2008 on a quiet little side street of an already quiet little ski town in southern Montana. While on the outside it is the perfect picture of a yellow clapboard Red Lodge house, the interior contains an abundance and array of gourmet foods and wines that is to boggle the mind of any outside traveler who happens upon the place.

My family and I were recently in Red Lodge for a ski trip and made daily pilgrimages to B&M to satisfy our wine and cheese needs. The inside is all painted white wood and pristine shelves containing gourmet delicacies. These delicacies range form delicate french cookies to rare Italian pine tree syrup (like maple syrup) to Marriage Frères teas to specialized spice mixes, like garam masala. It is a foodie’s dream. Besides the dry goods there is also a wine section. The selection, though small, contained some tasty french burgundies, well priced Rhône varietals from Santa Barbara, and hard to find single-grower-producer champagnes, to name but a few. The staff was knowledgeable about all of the wines if you had a question. B&M also carries a great range of cheese - I was able to indulge in La Tur from northern Italy as well as a Bijou from Vermont Butter & Cheese Creamery - as well as patés, prosciuttos, and gourmet fresh sausages and other cuts of meets from such distributor/producers as D’Artagnans. Again, for a small little town with one or two fine dining establishments, I don;t know how or why B&M was able to source all of these items, but I was very thankful they did.

Finally, B&M is also a small little coffee shop. It has a lovely Italian espresso machine and can serve you all of the normal fare - espresso, macchiato, latte, etc. If you ever find yourself in southern Montana anywhere near Red Lodge, make the journey to B&M. It is well worth the effort!

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