Sunday, December 27, 2009

Thai Fresh ☆☆☆

909 West Mary Street Unit B Austin TX 78704

Open Daily 11AM-9PM

Thai Fresh opened in the summer of 2008 in a small shopping center at the corner of Mary and south 5th St. It is an unassuming location that belies the excellent food within. Thai Fresh produces high quality Thai food based on locally sourced ingredients and Jam Sanichat’s culinary education stemming from her upbringing in Thailand.

I actually first encountered Jam in a cooking class at Central Market a couple of years ago. The topic of the class was Thai home cooking. Jam had a great personality and was an adept teacher - my sisters and I were hooked on the recipes she provided. It was a great surprise to discover that Jam was not only opening a store, but that the store was within walking distance from my house!

Thai Fresh is actually a combination restaurant/grocery store/cooking school. The interior of the space's main feature is a large deli case containing the dishes on offer for the day (the menu constantly changes and is based on seasonally available ingredients). The open kitchen is directly behind the deli case and it is there that you will usually find Jam rolling spring rolls or tending to a simmering curry. The rest of the space contains some tables and a wall of shelves containing Thai ingredients as well as a cold case of drinks, etc. The food in the deli case can be packaged to go or the staff will heat your selection for you to eat right in the store. The whole atmosphere is of casual, almost rustic chic. Lovely.

Jam always prepares a wide range of Thai specialties every day. The selection always seems to include at least a curry, a soup, several vegetarian options and meat dishes (as well as Thai dessert specialties). I really love her curries (which include whichever veggies are freshest that week), her spring rolls, her tom ka gai, and her pad thai (which is of a much lighter variety than you normally encounter). I always look forward to trundling over to the store for some spicy, warming, balanced dishes. Pretty much, you can’t go wrong. ☆☆☆

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